6 years ago
NAME: Rozel
PERSONALITY:she is shy and has difficulty voicing out her ideas. she has a very strong sense of justice despite that though and will work hard to achieve her goals. she can be strong-willed and is,in truth, very passionate about what she likes or what she believes in.
she knows of her shortcomings and strives to better herself
WAY OF SPEAKING:tends to stumble with her words,she keeps trying though,despite this.
ABILITY(S):sacrificing more armor and defense, she focuses on speed and strength, wielding dual morning stars that stack up attack power and explosive damage after every consecutive hit. speed increases but this decreases her chance of dodging a direct attack.
LIKES:cloud watching,teddy bears,gardening
DISLIKES:storms ,parties
CHARACTERS TRAINER:Hanan( Tagalog goddess of the morning)
TRAINERS C0MMENT:"she's a sweet girl, i just wish she'd put herself out there more,i know she just wants some friends"