일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Remy Blume의 일러스트


즐겨찾기 3


  • 1stHikarikoコンテスト

Name: Carmin
Sex: Female
Age: 20
Personality: She's collected and confident. She is a kind like an older sister, she likes to take care of those younger than her. She gets angry when there's squabbling, she shows her mean side with a cold stare and a threatening smile.
Way of Speaking: Speaks In a very elegant and refined manner, expect when she's angry she starts Rolling her R’s like a Yakuza. She calls tends to call those younger than her ~Chan.
Ability(s): Energy reaping. Using her scythe, she can Pull energy out of her opponents Boosting her own supply and becoming stronger and faster while her opponent becomes slower and weaker with every hit.
Likes: When people call her Big sis
Weakness(es): She Tends to Think aloud sometimes, even Unintentionally rude things when the person is right next to her.
Character's Trainer: Shiva (A Hindu God)
Trainer's Comment: Big sis is a very capable fighter. She’ll treat you well, as long as you’re on her good side...

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    신작순 Remy Blume의 일러스트


    Remy Blume


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