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I drew my self as an Animal Crossing villager LEVEL 1

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4 years ago

  • animal

  • Crossing

  • AnimalCrossing

  • ACNH

  • AmiiboCard

I finally finished this once I sat down and actually got to work on it I finished pretty quickly but after I got the idea to make an Amiibo card I had to find a template and I found a really good one but it was a clip file and I spent another 3 hours just trying to convert it to a psd but the only way do that Is by opening it in clip studio and exporting it as a psd so that wasn’t happening so then it took another 30 min to find a high quality png of a template but that template had the species, hand symbol, and die number already on it but they were not the ones I wanted so then I had to find another that included those but I could only get a low quality png so then I had to trace over them and finally I had to get the font which was another 10 minutes so I ended up spending my entire evening just trying to make a custom Amiibo card
Also the original sketch sort of looked like Raymond so I was debating on changing it but then I decided that i was in the clear

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