插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 🌸❤FluffyCat❤🌸的插畫

My OC Chibi Sukaitooooo! XD

我的最愛 4
閱覽數 225


  • medibangpaint

  • 黑暗

  • Q版

  • 可愛

  • oc

So, this is my OC, Sukaito! He's a Dark Guardian, and is friends with Shiomi, who's a Light Guardian! He's pretty much the opposite of Shiomi, where she is cheerful and bubbly, Sukaito is quiet and reclusive. He's not necessarily shy, mind you, he just likes to keep to himself, for fear of hurting anyone he cares about(which of whom are very few). I may explain their backstory more later, if you'd like.
I'm also on the fence about his name, since his is currently kinda made up. Pretty much both Shiomi and Sukaito have screwed up names, help.


    上傳時間 🌸❤FluffyCat❤🌸的插畫



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