일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 UNDERDOGS.의 일러스트

Deep Sea Girl - Hatsune Miku LEVEL 6

즐겨찾기 76
댓글 77


  • 소녀

  • 팬아트

  • 하츠네미쿠

  • 보컬로이드

  • anime

  • 深海少女

  • 수중

  • ツインテール

Hi Hello,
You're...still there?
How are you doing? I hope you're doing well.
If you ask me..lately I frequently skip my sleep haha!
I'm not very well...
I find it's kinda hard to interact here, the web..I wish there's in app comments, like the old days ;-;
but There's a new analyze feature !
Medi keep giving us Great Update aren't they ?
Ive been thinking about it lately..
ArtStreet, is actually where I started, my first social media, where I can connect with other people..I have some past problems that makes me too scared to going out and interact with people.
But Medi, with some people commenting about my artwork, I felt so..Happy..

Ive noticed that I'm not replying your comments anymore too..I'm sorry! I will try not doing it again!
(As I remembered, the reason why I'm not replying on my latest post, is because I feel so touched and can't think of any words..)
I'm sorry!
I'll reply this time!
So please show you're still there..

Hope to see you again!
Thank you very much!

다음 작품

신작순 UNDERDOGS.의 일러스트





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