插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

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Hikariko Trice

收藏 2
浏览数 191


  • 1stHikarikoコンテスト

Name:Trice Gender:Female Age:26
Personality:Vain and Narcissistic.She usually struggles to keep her distance so as not to get too distracted, she is extremely careful with her hair, and she often rests in any reflection she sees of herself. Form of speech: it always speaks self-propagating Capacity:Your weapon allows it to control gravity on the target that is hit. It can either decrease or increase, each shot has 100 kg of gravity to be added or decreased. She can also use projectile pressure to effect a very powerful concussion attack. Likes:is also a collector of makeup, adoring to collect mainly lipsticks Dislikes:rain, as it blurs their makeup Weakness: Drinks Trainer:Víper Trainer comment:Trice has the habit of worrying so much about the appearance that sometimes leaves a major battle in the background, we get into great adversity because of her obsession, but somehow she is also very lucky, so we ended up giving Well in the end, just like to know how long this luck will last


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