일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 TitanPega의 일러스트

Scarlet Sisters

즐겨찾기 9


  • medibangpaint

  • 소녀

  • 팬아트

  • 동방프로젝트

  • 뱀파이어

Last drawing in this series.

What is more scary than the eponymous scarlet devil? Two scarlet devils! Both Flandre and Remilia are dangerous beings that have strength, speed, stamina and abilities to make your day miserable.

Remilia, the older sister controls fate and Flandre the younger can destroy anything.

Although Remilia isn't a native to Gensokyo, she might have had a huge impact with devil's contract that introduced the spellcard system.

Her little sister is confined to the basement of the SDM as her power is too strong even for herself. But she causes a ruckus one day which the player has to resolve in the Extra stage. That is when her theme song starts playing. It is probably the most known of the Touhou themes is probably the most Insane theme for Touhou.
What song? U.N. Owen was her.
aka Ran Ran Ruu original.

I might come back at a later date and edit the picture but no promises.

    다음 작품

    신작순 TitanPega의 일러스트


    Anime arts Hobbyist


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