插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 🌸❤FluffyCat❤🌸的插畫

A New Random Panda Girl Oc XD

我的最愛 28
閱覽數 183


  • medibangpaint

I got inspiration for this character from a video I was watching, where I was thinking about drawing a panda gijinka(hope I spelled that right cri) with more pastel colors than just black and white. And this is how she turned out! ^-^
I'm on the fence about her name, stuck between "Ying Yue", or "Feng Mian". But, I am leaning more towards "Ying Yue" becuz I think the meaning of that name is really pretty ^^
But anyway, I mainly like drawing her because of her body shape, with her chubby legs and round head, it's just so cute to me lol! I mainly made her chubby because that's how pandas are, and that's what makes them so cute!
Hope you like her! ❤


    上傳時間 🌸❤FluffyCat❤🌸的插畫



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