일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Mirai 未来의 일러스트


즐겨찾기 2


  • 1stHikarikoコンテスト

Name: Cathedral
Sex: Female
Age: 19
Personality: Honest and firm in her beliefs. Shes not afraid to let you know what she thinks. Hates when people sugarcoat things. Loyal to her friends and trainer.
Way of speaking: She does't hold back and usual says the first thing that comes to mind. This get her in trouble with many people and makes it hard for her to make/keep friends.
Ability(s): Sharp and Precise retractable dual blades. When used at high speeds they can release concussive energy waves.
Likes: storms, night ( mostly starry nights), anything shiny or sharp.
Dislikes: Heat, sweets but will eat pie and some chocolates.
Weakness: Her mouth gets her in trouble. Sometimes shes quick to act without thinking. Extreme heat slows her down.
Characters trainer: Thor (Norse god)
Trainer's comment: Cathedral is rough around the edges but when you get to know her she is truly a caring and poetic soul. I just wish she would stop calling me cute.

    다음 작품

    신작순 Mirai 未来의 일러스트


    Mirai 未来


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