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Latest ~Azmadness~’s art


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6 years ago

  • 1stHikarikoContest

  • medibangpaint

Age 15

Personality: She is a shy and faithful girl to the people she appreciates.

Way of speaking: When she doesn't have her helmet she tales too low, but when she has the helmet she is a strong warrior with conviction .

Ability: While spending more time in a fight, she absorbs the energy of her opponent little by little.

Hobby: Manga, anime and video games also she love sweet things and her dream is to become a maho shojo.

Weakness (es): Be without her helmet.

Character's trainer: Freya (A female goddess that appears in Nordic mithology.

Trainer's comment: Flavus is a loyal and very skilled girl, however I would like her to stop wasting her time reading so many comics (manga).

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