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6 years ago

  • 1stHikarikoContest

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Name:Yumi Sex:Female Age:25
Personality:Yumi is intelligent,proud and very bossy,her himedere personality really gets on everyones nerves.She enjoys flaunting how much she knows and,even though she is usually right,not many people believe her due to her young appearence,which makes her mad.
Way of speaking:She always speaks in a confident bossy tone in a very formal manner
Ability(s):Her pure white arrows,that she takes out of her long sleeve,can pierce through any and all materials if shot in the speed of sound which she has perfected over the years,her headgear prevents her from getting deaf from the loud sound it makes.In an emergency the arrows could also be used as swords
Hobby(s):Studying,doing experiments
Character's trainer:Tsukuyomi,japanese god of the moon
Trainer's comment:She is very smart and a very good fighter i wish people wouldn't underestimate her just because she looks young,in a way that can be a good thing because she gets angry and excels even more!

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