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6 years ago

  • 1stHikarikoContest

  • August2022,MonthlyContest:OriginalCharacter

  • oc

Name: Scarlet, Sex: Female, Age: 18
Personality: Looks strict but is really just too lazy to smile or truly express how she feels. She prefers to get it over with like skipping to the main event or using simple, short responses to questions like yes/ no only so she can catch up on her sleep.
She loves to sleep and has mastered the art of sleeping with eyes open but comes off to others as her angrily staring at someone.
Way of speaking: Short sentences that get the message across. Intentionally leave out words to keep sentences short.
Ability: Weapon can be used as a hammer. The red circles can grow into spikes of any length. It can also be used as a gun BY shooting the spikes out.
Likes: Sleep, Warm things
Dislikes: cold, things that deprives her of sleep, things that require a lot of attention like someone talking too much.
Weakness: Cold,
Characters trainer: Hypnos, Greek god of sleep
Trainer's comment: Needs to stop wasting time on sleep and notice me.

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