Name: Freyja
Sex: Female
Age: 16
Personality: Freyja can't control her temper very well, She often set everything on FIRE when she's angry that's why she always wants to be alone. Freyja never wanted to hurt anyone specially her friends.
Way of Speaking: She speak's calmly like a Lady should.
Ability(s): She can control fire (any kind of flame). Using her Spear with Two blades on both ends she can burn anything with just one swing of it.
Likes: Freyja like watching the sky.
Dislikes: She Dislikes noises and arrogant people.
Weakness(es): Her temper.
Character's Trainer: Vesta (Roman Goddess of Hearth and it's fire)
Trainer's Comment: Frey is a good girl, but they always misunderstand her. That girl deserves to be happy.