插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 Oscar De Balah的插畫


我的最愛 1
閱覽數 273


  • 1stHikarikoコンテスト


Name: ANNA
Age: 18
Personality: Anna analyzes every situation. She gets irritated quite easily, but has very strong focus. She acts like a girl that she is and guys seem very attracted to her personality. She looks forward to a fair battle and has a sense of dignity.
Way of Speaking: She speaks in a calm way with a deep tone of voice.
Ability(s): Her Katana makes her move swiftly and attack very swiftly as well. She can attack from any angle and direction in space because she is skilled in 3D combat. She can use the speed of her Katana to gain more momentum when she battles. However, she does not give much damage with her weapon and has to hit about 4-5 times to inflict serious damage.
Likes: She likes observing nature in a calm environment while listening to slow songs.
Dislikes: Injustice.
Weakness: Slow songs.
Trainer's Comment: Anna's a very decent girl. She may not be very skilled in battle but she dislikes injustice and hates to lose.


    上傳時間 Oscar De Balah的插畫



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