Taste of Kyoto (舌尖上的京都) LEVEL 5
5 years ago
Kyoto University of art & design invited me to participate in the research in February,2019. It was the first time in my life to travel to Kyoto.though I stayed in Kyoto only three days, but I was impressed by kaiseki ryori ,so my art work predominantly based on kaiseki ryori and some scenic spot ,Geigi.I try to show the antique and noble style of Kyoto in my art work.
2019年二月,受京都造形藝大的邀請 ,參加了海外教師研修的活動,讓我人生有了第一次造訪京都。雖然只在京都停留三天,但讓我最印象深刻的是懷石料理,所以這次作品我以懷石料理為主題並結合京都景點、藝伎,呈現出京都古色古香,以及高貴的氣質。