Name: Zero
Sex: Female
Age: 17
Personality: Zero is very energetic, chatty, and adventurous. She’s often jealous over others’ exploits and can be annoying about not being a part of them. In battle, Zero isn’t concerned about getting hurt and treats combat like a game. She often acts as comic relief, as she will get emotional from the smallest misfortunes.
Way of Speaking: Zero speaks very quickly and asks questions to the point where anyone would become overwhelmed. She talks so much that she’ll sometimes be tied up and carried along for recon missions.
Ability(s): Gate of Chains. Zero uses portals to call forth a storm of chains, allowing her to immobilize enemies. She can close portals that enemies are partially pulled through to decapitate them or use her portals for transportation purposes.
Likes: Anyone who likes her back
Dislikes: Sitting still
Weakness(es): Being gullible
Character's Trainer: Zhulong (A God in Chinese mythology)