插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 MillyAqualine的插畫

Souvenirs de la Découverte

我的最愛 4
閱覽數 93


  • HUION插畫大賽

  • 森林

  • 花火

  • Lake

  • Fireworks

  • Lac

  • Feux

  • Forêt

  • Fuocos

  • Fuochi

As it's said on the tin, I wanted to pay a quick tribute to a festival that no longer exists and marked my childhood ; talking about the Interncontinental Pyrotechnics Competition, originally held every Summer (end of July) in the city of Decazeville in Aveyron, above the lake covering now the former mines~

It may looks a bit messy, but I felt it'd be the occasion to try doing a nod to a cool show where four countries from all over the world and the continents would show off their skills with wonderful fireworks syncing with awesome music! I'll never be able to render well what I've experienced, but you may find some old videos on YouTube

Anyway I was proud to do it, even if it was a last-minute entry all over again it was the most thrilling idea of festival even if I could have tried to draw a memory from Pause Guitare in Albi, or even attempt some I've never experienced like those in Japan or Avignon theatre one


    上傳時間 MillyAqualine的插畫





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