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2025.02.26Important Notice: Service Transfer of "MANGA Plus Creators by SHUEISHA"
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I will buy this off of the school. Serious.

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I have no clue in the 4yrs I have been at this school, no idea how long they had ANY Dostoevsky books. And when I mean “dead library” I mean that we literally have no staff running the library. It’s always closed because NO ONE runs it. It’s just dead. It’s empty, minus whatever books there are in there. And they’re DUSTY ASF. it’s very clear that NO ONE ever rented out any of these books.

And me being me, and wanting to read more Dostoevsky books…finding out the school has one I have yet to read & have been wanting to read…I WILL. BUY. THIS. BOOK. FROM. THE. SCHOOL. I am willing to pay.

  • CREATOR RANK CREATOR YtterOdd (Stickerman) 6 days ago

    😭😭😭 save the books!!🙏 also, its awful how little has changed since the 1800s in America, especially small town, conservative America, but the rest of the country isn't really that far ahead in a lot of ways😒, but its cool, they got so many cool books at your library, at least you can appreciate them!!👍

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