adopts (closed) LEVEL 3
this took me way too long and I feel tired. I rushed it near the end cus I thought I was taking more time than suppose to. drawing multiple people takes too long for me. sorry if there's some stuff you can't see, I wasnt quite sure how to fix it.
feel free to change the colours slightly, the species, name, gender etc. but please keep the colours the same-ish, as in 'if it's yellow, add more shades of yellow, but keep it slightly yellow still' if it makes sense. you can also give them more jobs but they need to keep the starweaver job. there's a reason why they're specifically starweavers.
these are fcfs
1 (red/pink): taken [Squidkid64]
2 (blue): taken [Ritika]
3 (dark red/ yellowy-orange) taken [❄Ash❄]
4 (yellow/ orange) taken [Keith/Kisu|Shinso/tHoUsAnD Modes]
5 (dark/light colours) taken [{Llyr/Wilbur} Bee•cat]
6 (purple/ dark blue) taken [Itz_Wolfy!demon109@staridits]
pls only take one
adopts have ended