Name: Violet
Sex: Female
Age: 20
Personality: cheerful, smart, tricky and funny. But still she is a little bit cocky. She loves herself but also cares about her friends so much.
Way of speaking: she speaks cheerfully and knows how to play with words very well.
Abilities: She is a great magician, she can perform any spell perfectly but without her mace she becomes weaker.
Likes: she loves herself and likes to take care of her beauty. She also likes books.
Dislikes: she hates to see someone getting ahead of her because she always wants to be number 1 and she hates people who speak slowly.
Weakness: if she lost her mace her powers decreases to the half.
Trainer: Circe (a magic goddess who is known in greek mythology and knows a lot about herbs)
Trainer's comment: I like Violet so much but she must know that a lot of arrogance takes you right to the bottom.