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Q&A+Request #1 (answers in decs)

Favorites 12
Views 292

3 years ago

  • request

  • milkyway

  • Q&A

-Numi Art's question:
+Your fav drawing artist?
• Fav Drawing artist: Bluebiscuits
+Theme that you like, Aesthetic or Indiecore?
•Theme i like: Aesthetic (+dreamcore)

-Ice Feather's question
+When did you start drawing digitaly
•I started drawing Digital art 2 years ago (since I found out Medibang)
+What content creators do you like the most
•I think Vanessa Lau

-Kdragonair's question
+Who are what was your inspiration to start doing art
•The inspiration for me to start was my brother and uncle
They're both successful architects and they inspired me
(They even convinced my parents to invest in my drawing tools hehe)

And this is Numi Art and Kdragonair's request
About Debora Dibujos ^>^, can u send me the link? Sorry I can't find it

The Q&A+Request link

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