Yui and Tsukuyomi
Name: Yui
Sex: Female
Age: 16
Way of speaking:Expressionless,but tries to express herself.A nearly monotone voice and her replies often sounds sarcastic.
Ability(s): Controls hovering weapons,"Ark".Usually fights with 5 but can equip 5 more.The bottom part separates from the body as homing projectiles.Ark can shoot long distance lasers;Also charges by circling around one point- unleashing a huge beam.Commands arks like swords in close combat.Can form a barrier,blocking attacks directed towards her blind spots automatically,giving her absolute defense.If one ark breaks,it regenerates after 5-10 minutes depending on the damage.
Likes: Strolls on quiet parks,Feeding stray animals.
Dislikes: Bitter things.
Weakness(s): Spacing out,Ready to risk her life,Putting others before herself.
Trainer's comment: She space out a lot,and enjoys being sarcastic.Needs to learn how to put herself first more.I just cant leave her alone.