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Latest Ticklefits’s art

Lilia and Hypnos

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6 years ago

  • 1stHikarikoContest

Name: Lilia
Sex: Female
Age: 19
Personality: Lilia is pretty shy but very committed to her work. She’ll push herself to do her best even if it’s not the best for her own health and safety.
Way of Speaking: She is soft spoken unless she’s talking about something she likes to which she won’t stop talking about.
Ability(s): Hypnotic. She uses her hammer to suck the the energy out of her enemies and put them to “sleep”. She absorbs that energy to power her next attack. She stores the remaining energy for the next battle.
Likes: Sweets, Cartoons
Dislikes: Not being able to go further in fights, how much Hypnos sleeps
Weakness(es): She pushes herself too far sometimes which becomes a big problem in fights.
Character's Trainer: Hypnos (A greek god)
Trainer's Comment: She’s determined but the obvious lack of restraint seems to be doing more harm than good.

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