6 years ago
Name: Lona Wolfram
Sex: Female
Age: 24
Personality: Lona is often perceived by others as a loner and a stern character, however this is just how she acts in her work as a sniper. Focused and effective. In her everyday life, she's childish and wants to be pampered by her friends, but awkward in front of strangers.
Way of Speaking: In battle, she either grunts, sighs, or speaks only one word at a time (e.g. "Ok", "No", "Kill", "Weak"). Outside battle, she speak normally as girls her age would.
Ability(s): "Charged Shot". Her FRYD WS .70 X3 sniper rifle is able to shoot through a tank. However due to significant power needed, she'll need quite some time to charge before she's able to shoot. Her rifle can also fold into a submachine gun with less firepower but greater fire rate.
Hobby: Cleaning and tinkering her weapon & nags at her trainer
Likes: Sweets
Dislikes: Nosy people
Weakness: Crowd
Character's Trainer: Namtar (Sumerian god of death)
Trainer's Comment: *Sigh*