> voidii 🌺 lol I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that way XD aahhh your comment is making me blush! I try my best :) thank you for the lovely comment!
> 🍃🌙Mythic Artist🌙🍃 I think life is just better in comfortable baggy clothing😂😂😂 And that is so cute!!! I love boxers! :0 I also love the fact that "Justin Bieber" got his own space for dislikes😂😂😂
> Shdw16 Imao 😂 i live in sweat pants and a sweat shirt and SOMETIMES a t shirt. I have a boxer puppy but his tail didn't get cut off at birth like most boxers so he has a really cute, long, deadly tail XD
lol I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that way XD aahhh your comment is making me blush! I try my best :) thank you for the lovely comment!