Name: Victoria
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Personality: Charizmatic leader that loves the battlefield and anything to do with it. To let out a battlecry and lead the frontlines forward is her reason to live. She loves her sobordinates and treasures them. But since she's such a war otaku, she tends to fall behind on daily stuff and be really clumsy about it.
Way of speaking: Loud and charizmatik. Also has an osakan dialect.
Ability: One man army-summons an army of pseudo hikarikos that are derived from her own personality (basically clones), each armed with a musket and a benizakura. Benizakura-a katana when slashes, three more blades appear behind the enemy. Billy-her revolver will make a headshot even if not on target. Juggernaout-her mantle can harden.
Hobby: Shogi, strategising with her trainer.
Weakness: Technology, house work.
Trainer: Bishamonten, Japanese god of war and fortune.
Comment: Learning to use a computer could proove beneficial.