失敗! (Failure!)
5 months ago
最近、絵がグチャり中〜 ~w~; [The illustrations have been a mess lately~ :D]
頭でイメージ保ちながらイラスト出力するの..難過ぎるんよ!イメージの記憶がキープ出来ん! [It's too difficult to draw an illustration while keeping the image in your head! Difficulty retaining image memory!]
忘却する!..そもそも脱線して全く違うイラストになったた〜!!! [Oblivion! ..In the first place, it went off track and became a completely different illustration.]
イラスト練習ってより..精神改造だわ〜w [It's more like mental remodeling than illustration practice. (lol)]
※あくまで個人的な練習方法(※personal solution)
1枚目:完成絵[completion of the painting]