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Latest Leafclan93’s art

Embersong and Jaystar Art (Read Desc!)

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6 years ago

  • medibangpaint

The outlines and Notes were posted a while ago so here is the finished version! (Honestly not my best art though)
These two are from the Warrior Cats story im writing. Jaystar (obviously) is a leader (Description: wise, pretty, silver she-cat, with a small white spot on tail and blue eyes.) and Embersong was a past Medicine Cat (Backstory still developing) (Description is also still developing but known so far as a dark ginger she-cat with leaf green eyes, large ears and long pointed tail.) Thats pretty much it so far! Remember to Comment, Follow, or like some of my art! (This isnt my best art so thanks!)
Thank you for your Feedback, this is my Artistic Process!

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