插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 reajeanp的插畫

Nifiedra monster bubble popper

我的最愛 2
閱覽數 87


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Meet "Nifiedra" the monster bubble popper! These guys are a territory protector, they come with a pack, they are really protective in there own kind, the wild nifiedra are called "Nidra", they are the loner and attacks Nifiedra or any kind of monsters if they want to or not. "Nefiedra" are really kind to humans, humans call them the protector of the sea, they chase away bubble monster from the deep sea. bubble monsters are the once who drown any kind of monster they encounter, no limit they are like black wholes they suck oxygen on any kind, thats so they called food on there own, in additione very time they take oxygen from a person or a monster in the sea they will get bigger and double there skin so that they wont pop that easily.


    上傳時間 reajeanp的插畫



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