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6 years ago

  • 1stHikarikoContest

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  • Hikariko

Cunning but Deadly, A Beautiful Swords Woman that it brings Doom of Annihilation.

Name: Trax

Sex: Female

Age: 20

Personality: She's Expressionless and when she get angry she will show you a Death stare instead to make sure that you don't want to messed with her.

Way of Speaking: She doesn't say much but When she does trying to say something she speaks like a Counselor.

Ability(s): She possess a A Mobile Lunar Machete. It can also equip to her right hand to perform a Sparks of Electricity, Strike a Lightning Bolt and the Ultimate Move "Selene Magistos" It Summons a Crescent Moon to Fuse her Lunar Machete and does a Massive Slash to the Opponent then it Electrocute until death.

Likes: Origami

Dislikes: Sun (It reminds her Nemesis Twin Sister named Brax)

Weakness(es): Tickling. Just One tickle she burst her Crazy laughter.

Character's Trainer: Selene (Goddess of Moon on Greek Mythology)

Trainer's Comment: Nobody beats her Origami Skills, Nobody.

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