無理し過ぎは注意! (Be careful not to overdo it!)
1 day ago
かなり無理して描いてる..頭おかしくなりそう.. [I'm drawing it quite forcefully.. I feel like I'm going crazy..]
調整とはいえ、程々にしないと身体壊しそうなので..今日は終わり〜 [Even though it's an adjustment, I feel like I'm going to break down if I don't take good care of myself.. Today is over~]
意思に反する矯正は精神負荷が凄いのダァ〜(あまりお勧めしない..ゆっくり慣らすのが一番と思う..) [Correction against one's will is a huge mental burden~ (I don't really recommend it.. I think it's best to get used to it slowly..)]
※あくまで個人的な練習方法(※personal solution)
1枚目:完成絵[completion of the painting]