插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 Maria-Senpai的插畫

:( read description

我的最愛 0
閱覽數 263


  • medibangpaint

  • truthbetold

  • ttb

  • imsorry

  • mariasenpai

  • mybirthday

  • roughart

Truth-be-Told (aka ttb) is takeing me longer than i thought.

I thought the 1st chapter would take me 1 month but with all my life plans, other hobbies getting in the way, family and others its tooken me 1 month and a 1/2 to finish almost less than half a chapter.
At this rate the 1st chapter will be done by either the middle of september and most likely a little while later after september. If i could just grab the inspration, effort and time i could finish it by the end of august.

There will be one day were i wont work on it at all, and thats my birthday. My birthday is august 27, so thats i day i know ill miss but it will be worth it cuz ill be turning 15. HORRAY 4 ME!!! 😀.

Btw the art you see up there is my oc in my cartoon artstyle. Sorry that its messy.

Follow me if you love anime, you lucky son of a guns (noble refrence, i dont think i got it right tho XD)


    上傳時間 Maria-Senpai的插畫



    今天的LEVEL UP