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6 years ago

  • 1stHikarikoContest

  • Hikariko

Name: Not known...others started to call her Mary...
Gender: Female
Age: ???
Personality: Erie looking, almost like a dark Hikariko. Other trainers theorise that she is like that probably because her trainer went mad yet he kept clinging to her even though she's all broken down. Not much else is known about her since she only emerges from a random shadow before the battle and sinks back to one after it. Sometimes you can see her in a dark corner. . . . .watching. . . . .smiling. . . . .
Talking: Looks like her vocals broke down. You can only hear faint buzzing emitting from the device on her neck.
Ability: Kchssss - pulls dark hikarikos in her shadow with her hair and there she takes them apart...probably. During night she can freely expand her shadow. In caves she is probably unstopable...
Hobby: Probably stiching herself up since the trainer went senile.
Weakness: ???
Trainer: Babi, baboon god of verility from ancient Egypt.
Comment: Grah ro ze ze ze gngh HA?! ReeeEEEEE!!!

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