Lim, the literate meele fighter
Name: Lim
Sex: Female
Age: 21
Personality: Lim always has a smile on her face and enjoys playing mid games on people. She is hard to read. She believes in her intellect and abilities to be surperior and depends on her experience. She never shows her true emotions or loses her calm.
Way of spreaking: A weird habit of citing philosophers. She tends to speak in a literate way.
Abilities: Lim uses her battle claws in combat amplifying their strenght with acid that burns through enemies and buildings, even atoms in the air. She also uses it to minimize the retency therfore is unmatched in speed. Phyisically strong
Likes: Deer, nature, philosophy
Dislikes: Short-tempered people, not having a strategy, impoliteness
Weaknesses: Very short range
Chracter's Trainer: Cernunnos (Celtic Cervine God)
Trainer's Comment: Lim seeks for balance, I want to support her in her puirsuit because I think she can grow much stronger.