일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Leafclan93의 일러스트

50 FOLLOWERS!! Ask My Oc!! (Read Desc.)

즐겨찾기 11


  • medibangpaint

  • 자캐

  • Olivegaze

  • Swift-tail

  • AskMyOc

  • Mistfrost

  • Reedsway

  • ThanksFor50Followers

Thank you guys SO VERY MUCH for 50 Followers!! To do something for the occasion, im going to do something i've been wanting to do for a while! So, here it goes!
Ive selected 4 of my main, important ocs. We have Reedsway of Rushclan, Swift-tail of Leafclan, Mistfrost (a medicine-cat) of Leafclan, and Olivegaze of Leafclan. Comment below a question begining with, Reedsway: Swift-tail: Mistfrost: or Olivegaze: and they will answer your question in another piece of art. You may ask them something silly, or something to find out more about their personalities/past. I love these because It helps to tell the plot line.
If there is a question that they have trouble answering, Blossomheart will help!!
Thank you guys so much and have fun!

Thank you for your Feedback, This is my Artistic Process!

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    신작순 Leafclan93의 일러스트


    Future Writer


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