일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 NufinThing의 일러스트

"how may I help?" {story in desc} LEVEL 3

즐겨찾기 20


  • 창작

  • 자캐

I stumbled into the building. I could hear the monstrous beasts run past outside. I sighed in relief. I took in my surroundings. large, glowing crystals hung from the top, though I couldn't see anything attaching it to the ceiling. a soft carpet lied on the floor, depicting a beautiful nebula. there was a short, masked person at a desk at the front, a sticky note taped onto their head. the wall behind them was covered in many more notes, and was full of writing. there was a shelf full of plushies, and a stylus on top. glass containers were stored on shelves, one of them seemed to have an undertale soul inside. hmm, curious...
"ahem." I jumped at the voice, looking at the small person.
"how may I help?" they asked.
oh boy, time to explain how I got here...
= = =
hey look! my persona! :D
though, the mask changes sometimes and I don't have a note stuck to my head. that was Levi

this is part of a story I'm planning, but because of character limit, I'll explain it in the comments later :)

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    신작순 NufinThing의 일러스트




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