일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 TealDear의 일러스트

Fairy Pink

즐겨찾기 10



As it so happens, I lost my stylus this week.

I began by looking at the original characters-- from ears to winged shoes to butterflies they all had a slight magic aesthetic. From this, I wanted the stylus to be like a magic wand, giving you desired art.

For me, pink associates with ballerinas, from shoes, leotards, and a sweater I had as a little girl. I also think ballerinas pair nicely with fairies, for their delicacy and grace, so that ties in well with the magic wand. It also meant I could have long legs, which is a focus of the other designs.

Lastly, I like to have a repeated shape through a design, in this case a heart or pentagon. Is it universal or cliche? Probably a little of both.

The hardest part was coloring, so I picked colors from the other designs!!

I imitated the stylings of the other characters in proportion and features as much as I could, but after I lost my stylus, my ability to work the same was drastically reduced.

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    신작순 TealDear의 일러스트




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