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Latest Natsu Dragoneel’s art


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6 years ago

  • 1stHikarikoContest

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  • 1st

  • Hikariko

Age: 16
Personality:mischievous, arrogant, slightly selfish, sarcastic, and prideful, but cares about friends/family strongly.
Way of speaking:arrogant, calls those she likes "idiot" most of the time, but to those she dislikes, she uses random swearwords as their name.
Ability: Magic bow. Arrows are made from magic, and she uses them for attack, defence, and enchantment. She can add another magic onto the magic arrows, which is great for attacks. She can defend herself when her bow forms a shield around her, blocking her from phyisical and magic attacks. She can also give enchantments to herself or others by shooting the arrows at people she trusts.
Likes: games, steak, pranks
Dislikes: onions, caterpillars
Weakness: is very clumsy, so when she sets up pranks, she usually falls into her own traps.
Character Trainer:Aguis
Trainer's comment: ...(sigh) we still have a long way to go...

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