Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Latest n e k o s h i’s art

neko in the hood LEVEL 1

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Views 149

5 years ago

  • medibangpaint

  • adobe

  • cat_ears

  • pink

  • oc

  • purple

  • aesthetic

Hey guys! ☆


So my oc, neko/magenta (or... myself-- MY PERSONA) taken off my magenta or red or pink looking maroon dye of my fur so she is gonna stay black... Pun intended.
I have played around with the lighting to suit the scenario for myself, because I always loved the night time because i found it nostalgic, i love the palletes (black, blue, purple, white) and because it's dark (i was never in my life a day person). I'm gonna come clean, but I sometimes think about a typical anime street, but it's the hood, so i drew what I more or less thought about



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