6 years ago
Name: Alkina
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Personality: Alkina is calm, meek and reserved. An introverted person, she tends to be alone and observe her surroundings, giving a mysterious vibe when meeting her. Her focus and calmness is remarkable during battles.
Way of Speaking: Alkina is more of a listener than a talker, she waits for her turn to speak and coordinates with her teammates quite well. She speaks formal and succinct.
Ability(s): Sinister Burst. Moves and slashes with overwhelming speed. Increases agility and reflex. She can use her blades to emit "waves" that can slice anything in a distance.
Weakness(es): She tends to be hard on herself whe she fails on a certain situation.
Likes: Combat Training, animals and being with her trainer
Dislikes: nosey and arrogant people
Character's Trainer: Athene(the goddess of war and wisdom)
Trainer's Comment: I have no doubts about her abilities, but i wish she can be more open about her emotions.