Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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アレ? (huh?)

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10 months ago

  • 練習中

元々、意図的に太めの線で制限を掛けてたのもあるけど..イラストの質が変わったような.. [I think the quality of the illustrations has changed, including the fact that I was originally restricting them with thick lines..]

あっ..そうそう..首の位置も意識変えたんだ![Ah.. Now that I think about it.. I also changed my awareness of the position of my neck!]

最初に見たマネキンのサンプルで「首が頭の中心」だったから、ずっとそれで進めてた。「頭の後ろ側」に来るようにしたよ~ [The first mannequin sample I saw had "the neck in the center of the head", so I continued to draw with that image until now. I tried to draw it so that "the neck is closer to the back of the head".]

1枚目:完成絵[completion of the painting]

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