일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 🌸❤FluffyCat❤🌸의 일러스트

Pink 'n peach! ❤

즐겨찾기 22


  • medibangpaint

  • 소녀

  • 핑크

  • anime

  • cute

  • 자캐

Hello! :)
So, sorry I haven't been posting as often as I used to. I've gotten a bit... Busier than I expected... Come to think of it, I should probably change my little bio/description thingy lol
Anyway, here's an early morning post of something i wanted to try. The style is inspired by an artist I saw on YouTube, whose style is just so cute and colorful I had to take inspiration from it! ^^
I decided to choose two of the four of my favorite colors for this picture, and the shading style is also a lot different from my usual shading. Yeah, I know my blending kinda sux rn but like they say, practice makes perfect! Heh...
I may possibly make another picture in this style, except with my other two favorite colors, so look out for that!

    다음 작품

    신작순 🌸❤FluffyCat❤🌸의 일러스트


    Sorta-okay Artist


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