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Hikariko: Algar and Maneko

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6 years ago

  • 1stHikarikoContest

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  • hikariko

Name: Algar
Sex: female
Age: 16
Personality: selfish and serious
Way of Speaking: she don't speak too much, and when she speak she is cold and shoal sometimes she seems angry
Ability(s): the long stick that Algar has can be used as a sword or can be used as a spear.
Algar can infuse all her energy saved to it and manypulated it to became a sickle or something else.
For that don't have a particular range problems.
Likes: the silence, be alone and find other way to manypulate her stick, also she love spend time for training in martial arts. She also like spend her time with her trainer Maneko.
Dislikes: be surrounded by people, and people's bad actions
Weakness(es): she is afraid of water because she cannot swim.
Character's Trainer: Maneko (it has something related the legendary japanese cat Maneki Neko)
Trainer's Comment: Algar is an hardheaded,in her past has suffered a lot, she is not selfish as she seem. I can say she has a noble heart.

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