Akadia LEVEL 1
4 years ago
This is Akadia and I love her
You may recognize her name and that’s because it came from the Japanese word for arcade (Akedo) but I changed it a bit
She likes retro games and vaporwave everything (she misses the 2010s)
Her design is sort of based on the vaporwave aesthetic, but I just really wanted to create a character with lots of stickers and band aids (because name brand)
Also as far as her scars she doesn’t have a story yet so I’m not sure how she got them so if you have any ideas I’d love to read them (also I’m not a gamer but she definitely is and I need help)
Her cutie mark is a game boy by the way
And I do plan on drawing her again so YAY
Anyway I will probably draw and post more humans because I want to work on my anatomy and I don’t have much motivation or inspiration to draw ponies right now (neither for humans but if I’m going through an art block I’m at least going to try and improve my art)