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6 years ago

  • 1stHikarikoContest

A sadistic maniac Hikariko that enjoy murdering her enemies slowly and as painfully as possible

Name: Lucia/ Sex: Female/ Age: 18

Personality: Lucia is a psychopathic hikariko that loves nothing but the blood of her enemy in her hand. She's been known to go on murdering spree, killing both Moneta and Hikaroko alike.

Way of Speaking: She speaks enthusiastically when it's time for a mission. She likes screaming and laughing when in the midst of battle

Ability(s): She uses a chain-like weapon that can be used to spin around like a tornado of death. The more her chain kills and murder the stronger Lucia become.

Hobby(s): Killing Moneta

Weakness(es): Normal times between mission makes her anxious

Character's Trainer: Izanami (A Japanese goddess)

Trainer's Comments: Kill!Kill!Kill!!Kill!

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