6 years ago
Name: Yelan / Sex: Female / Age: 17
Personality: Yelan is a kind and responsive girl. She is always trying to prevent conflicts in the team. During the battle she more performs a support role than attacker.
Way of Speaking: she speaks honestly and quietly, sometimes adding to speech rare words. But she screams loud during the battles.
Ability(s): She uses a trident whose tufts of light are capable to burn objects, leaving a glow for a while. If the trident has accumulated too much energy, it is covering with a yellow-white flame and can destroy even a fortress.
Hobby(s): she breeds flowers, interested in history. In the late evening she talks with Trainer in front of the fireplace.
Weakness(es): She afraid not to cope with weapon and hurt her teammates.
Character's Trainer: Svarog (solar and fire god in Slavic mythology)
Trainer's Comment: Yelan is a girl with a pure soul. If she obtain the perseverance, she can reach incredible heights. And I will try to help her to do it.
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