Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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Thursday, April 16, 2020
Getting the premium option of “MediBang Paint” for free?!
Introducing “Creator Rank Benefits”!
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加

Getting the premium option of “MediBang Paint” for free?! Published in an original illustration book?! Receiving arts job offers?! Introducing “Creator Rank Benefits”!

MediBang Inc.(HQ: Shibuya, Tokyo; President and CEO: Hideyuki Takashima) manages "ART street", a social media platform to post illustrations and comics. On April 16, MediBang will release the details of "Creator Rank Benefits" that will be given to users depending on their creator rank (Platinum/Gold/Silver/Bronze).

■​What is Creator Rank?

ART street has a popularity ranking system for illustrations that is divided into 7 levels, "LEVEL 1" to "LEVEL 7". Depending on their achievements in ART street Ranking, the creator will receive 4 ranks, and will be given a rank badge along with other benefits. Here are the requirements of each rank.

Platinum Rank: Creator with an illustration that reached LEVEL 7 on ART street Ranking
Gold Rank: Creator with an illustration that reached LEVEL 6 on ART street Ranking
Silver Rank: Creator with an illustration that reached LEVEL 5 on ART street Ranking
Bronze Rank: Creator with an illustration that reached LEVEL 4 on ART street Ranking

Creator Rank

■We provided benefits for artists that achieved a creator rank!

As a thank you gesture to the illustrators that are active on ART street, we have provided 6 different benefits for 4 creator ranks. See below for details.

“MediBang Paint” ads will be hidden*Coming soon

Digital painting and comic creation tool "MediBang Paint for iPhone, iPad, Android" with no ads, which is a paid version, will be provided to users with a creator rank for free. Ads will be hidden if they log in with their account that achieved a creator rank.

Download MediBang Paint here: ​

Published in "​ART street Illustration Book"​

Artists that achieved a Platinum rank will be published on our annual publication, “ART street Illustration Book”. They will also receive the book as a gift.

Notified about illustration job offers

Artists that achieved a Platinum or Gold rank will be notified about illustration job offers. W​ e will send a notice to their registered email address about a job offer that best suits them.

"ART street certificate card" will be given

To verify the creator rank achievement, everyone who achieved a rank will receive an ART street official digital certificate card. The card design will get luxurious as the rank goes up.

certificate card

Published in “Rank Up Creators”

Everyone who achieved a rank will be featured in the “Rank Up Creators” page, leading to more views.

Rank Up Creators

“Rank Up Creators” page:

Creator Rank and Special Benefits page:

PIC: Melody Lam
