Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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2025.02.26Important Notice: Service Transfer of "MANGA Plus Creators by SHUEISHA"
So many projects..
Too many things to doooo-
It is very fun to draw a lot but it is not fun to store all of my to-dos in my brain and sort them out into a timely time table of projects to make progress on, =>
I wish I was posting more tho.. It's just all of my art are boring concepts pft-
I'm working on my personal/for-artschool project but it's slOWWW
So.. you guys need to put on your patience-pants for that one
Anyhow, here's a DOODLE! a doodle? I never DOODLE!

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  • CREATOR RANK BRONZE Muna Sketches 6 days ago

    > YtterOdd (Stickerman)
    Yea.. I need to narrow things down to it being manageable and simpler I think. I guess I am just trying to get everything done at once, cause I need to see progress in all of my projects.. But I suppose I can list priorities and leave other projects for later (like my own one) when I get to it.
    Thank you sm for understanding <33 I will catch those good vibes and put it in a tea bag pft-