일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

The light was growing dim as the sun sank into the darkening horizon, and the stars began to shine brighter as the sky welcomed the moon with its dull light. If one listened carefully they could hear the faint chirp of the crickets singing their lullaby, or the chattering of the nighttime critters. The leaves rustled softly in the wind, carelessly blowing along with the breeze. But the woods soon became eerily dark and the peacefulness of the evening was shattered by the wolves howling to the moon. The daylight animals rushed to their nests, in hopes of witnessing another sunrise, for if they were to be out in the dark the Darlikers would surely snatch them up. Footsteps could soon be heard, which made the crickets silence and the nighttime animals freeze. They grew louder, pounding against the ground, and heavy breathing came from the figure as she took a soaring leap over a fallen long and glanced back over her shoulder, still running. She knew that now she was no longer the hunter, but that she is now the hunted. The stench of fear radiated off the girl as she fled. Kaia was the prey. And the prey never survived.

“Kaia… move over,” groaned the groggy voice Kaia recognized as Minka, “You keep kicking me.”
She opened her eyes to a very dimly lit camp and sat up, glancing at the girl who woke her. It was hard to see in the darkness, but she could make out Minka, Cavar, and Bramble, the three who took her in a few sunrises ago.
Kaia looked up to the open sky and pinpointed the moon’s placement. Not morning for a few hours. “Sorry,” she grumbled, but Minka had already dozed off again. A piercing hoot of an owl sent a shiver down Kaia’s spine. The small fire flickered weakly, barley giving the group enough warmth to be comfortable in the night, but it was useful enough for Kaia to see where she had left her belongings. She packed up her knife and bow and tossed her canteen of water in the leather bag and slipped on her boots. Sending her new tribe one last look she slipped off into the night. Branches snapped softly beneath her feet as she trekked through the dark forest, and she grabbed her knife to start marking trees. Once scratch, five steps forward, another scratch on a different tree. Kaia kept to this system as she entered deeper into enemy territory.

OKAY!! SO This is a sneak peak of the story! The names: Minka, Cavar, and Bramble are my TEMPORARY characters while I wait for the entries. I hope this convinces you to JOINNNNN because I'd love it if I could at least get five entries? :3 thanks and enjoyyyyy

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