일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

Did it ever occur to you?: (+updates)
That I’m old-
I never thought that a day would come when I get called a crusty, dusty boomer by someone lol

Anyways, some updates:
1. Posting schedule is going to k i n d a slow down? I have final exams, AP testing and some other “college ready” things to do, sorry ^^”

2. MY FLIPPIN’ PERSONA BECAME AN OC >:00 I give up on trying to make a persona that’s accurate, because they’ll turn inTO OCS!

3. To the people on medi who are being absolute dookie to other artists. Stop yourself and reflect on what would happen if someone told you that? It’s not nice and I hate to see people feeling upset. Other than that I hope you guys all have a really nice day/night! Take care of yourselves, grab that snack you want and chillax. You’ve got this :)

With (platonic) love,
Crusty, dusty boomer Cross

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